Wednesday, August 1, 2007

This Is Unbelievable!

Have you heard the latest on the Democrats' position on the War on Terror? The Washington Post reported earlier this week that Democrat House Majority Whip James Clyburn (Dem, SC) was asked what the effect would be on Democrats if Petraeus' September progress report brought good news. His answer?

"[I]t would be a real big problem for us."

This is almost surreal! He has plainly stated what the Democrats' actions have been indicating for the past several years: the Democrats are totally invested in the defeat of our troops! What have we come to when the success of our troops on the battlefield would be a "problem" for the Democrats?

I've blogged about this before, but the explanation for this is really quite simple: they've done it to themselves. Democrat leaders have gone so far off the deep end of the left in opposition to anything Bush tries to do that it's become a reflexive reaction rather than a logical strategy. As such, they've positioned themselves in such a way that they cannot politically survive a victory in Iraq.

In my humble opinion: if you're a Republican, you need to encourage your representatives to stand strong and utilize this huge, huge, huge weakness in the Democrat party; if you're a Democrat, you need to seriously question your leadership and decide if they're worthy of your vote anymore.

Fortunately for all of us, Bush has remained resolute on the war, seeing the long-term ramifications of failure. And, just as fortunately, the U.S. forces on the ground in Iraq now have a winning strategy, the tools they need to win, and a man to lead them to victory in General Petraeus. The fireworks in September should be very interesting...

There's my two cents.

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