Friday, August 3, 2007

Who Controls the Democrat Leadership?

I've implied this before, but this is really all the proof that is needed. The Washington Post ran an article today about the upcoming YearlyKos convention, which is an annual gathering of far-left bloggers. Guess who will be in attendance? Every major Democratic presidential candidate, as well as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Rahm Emmanuel (who heads the House Democrat Caucus), and Sen. Chuck Schumer (chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee).

These 'Kossacks' are the same people that spew bile and hatred on a regular basis. These people are the very definition of America haters. They call our armed forces the 'killitary', they root for terrorists to assassinate our leaders, and rather than deal with logic and issues they have a tendency to simply insult, slam, and slander anyone with whom they disagree.

It's a good thing the Democrats want to pander to them, isn't it?

There's my two cents.

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