Friday, June 26, 2009

Dems Muscle Through: Suicidal Energy Tax Passes House

Whew! Now House members can safely fly off on their extended July 4th weekends (yes, I know, but they work sooooo hard that they get really, really long 'weekends'). After all kinds of shenanigans from the Dems -- cutting debate short, rejecting essentially all amendments, slipping in a 300-page modification at 3am this morning -- as well as some really creative tactics from the GOP -- Boehner performing a pseudo-filibuster when a filibuster doesn't exist in the House -- the House took a final vote on the cap-n-tax bill and it passed, 219-212.

Some things to note...
- 44 Dems opposed this bill - that's great!
- 8 Reps supported it - WHAT?!
- 2 Reps didn't vote - WHATWHAT?!?!

Those 10 GOP votes pushed the bill through, prompting the completely legitimate question of: what was their price? What will they now receive in return for their votes? I'm guessing they're betting on the bill to die in the Senate, giving them their desired result while still netting them their payoff...but still, the public deserves to know of the deals they cut.

Now the bill shifts over to the Senate, where the margins are much, much slimmer. Harry Reid is going to have to marshal literally every Dem and pick off at least a couple Reps if he wants to get past the 60 vote mark. Given the level of division in the Democrat House, this is not going to be an easy task. It is reasonable to assume at least a few Dems will oppose this, so he'll have to pick up more Reps than usual. Adding to his problem is the fact that this furor in the House has raised awareness in the GOP base, and I suspect the call volume to the Senate will be even higher when the time comes. Some people appear to be quite confident that it'll die in the Senate; some others appear quite confident it'll pass. We'll find out soon enough...either way, it'll be covered here.

Bottom line: this is the next step in America's march toward economic suicide, and it has been brought to you by the Democrat party (with a few RINO Reps, of course). Never forget that, and be free with your remembrances to the people around you.

More analysis later, as the professionals get around to it.

There's my two cents.

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