Thursday, June 25, 2009

More Cap-N-Trade Tax Information

Since the vote on the national energy tax bill (aka Waxman-Markey aka cap-n-trade) takes place tomorrow, here are a bunch of links to more information than you can shake a stick at!


...will kill farming
...will destroy the construction industry
...will throttle the natural gas industry
...will obliterate the coal industry...and cause electricity prices to double in Missouri a scheme to suck money out of (red) Midwestern states into (blue) coastal states trillions of dollars in economic pain for zero environmental gain
...has no, zero, zilch.
...will kill jobs, reduce gross domestic product, and skyrocket energy prices

And that's just the stuff I haven't covered on this blog before!  Sound like a good plan to you?

NRO has an outstanding editorial about this.  These excerpts say it all (emphasis mine):

The bill represents a terrible deal for American taxpayers. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, ACES is projected to impose costs averaging about $1,100 each year on every American household by 2050. What do we get in return? Even if the law works precisely as intended — not very likely — the grand result will be that, a century from now, we should expect surface temperatures to be a about one-tenth of one degree Celsius lower than they otherwise would be. Of course global warming will impose costs, but the expected costs of ACES are at least ten times the program's expected benefits, even using the EPA's cost estimates and assuming the full achievement of its goals.

A further effect of all of these side deals (which are entirely predictable and unavoidable in a democracy) is that ACES is in fact unlikely to achieve even the limited benefits that are claimed for it. The details of the bill as actually written ensure that there will not be a hard cap on emissions for at least the first decade under ACES. And the normal interest-group pressures of a democracy aren't going to magically disappear in ten years, so the odds are excellent that ACES will never impose a real cap.

So here are the cards Democrats want to deal us: ACES would impose costs at least ten times as large as its benefits, would not reduce the deficit, and would not really cap emissions. It's a losing hand.

Since the vote is coming up soon, I'll re-post some of the best goodies about it as the day goes on.  Forward this link to as many people as you can, and encourage them to make the phone calls to their Rep and Senators.

There's my two cents.

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