Friday, June 26, 2009

Do You Trust Him?

This was mentioned earlier, but here's a bit more info on the 'placeholder' provision in this bill:

This is a red flag. On the House floor this afternoon, Barney Frank explained the “placeholder” in the cap and trade bill that apparently will deal with regulations of financial derivatives market associated with reducing carbon emissions.

Frank says he is confident a “good system will be in place.”

In other words: Trust him.


Trust him?

Are you ready for a sub-prime carbon market?

You absolutely MUST check out these links! Barney Frank is a one-man economic wrecking crew...if you're not familiar with him, spend a minute or two at each of the links above to become enlightened. I'm pretty certain that after that, you'll trust him about as far as you can throw him.

Perhaps more important is this question: do you trust any of them?

My vote is NO.

There's my two cents.

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