Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dems Only Tell Half Of The Cap-N-TradeTax Plan

Not that that's any big surprise (emphasis mine):

Democrats have hailed the CBO estimates of the costs per family of their new cap-and-trade carbon-emissions scheme, which show an impact of only $175 annually.  What they don't tell voters, the Wall Street Journal explains, is that those costs begin to sharply escalate in ten years.  Democrats also fail to mention that the cost estimates of the CBO come just from the trading mechanism and nothing else...

Nor does this take into account regional variations; these numbers are national averages.  The bill will decimate the economies of coal-producing areas of the country, hiking unemployment not just from miners and coal-producing power plants but from the entire supply chain of both.  Essentially the same areas of the country now reeling from the collapse of the auto industry, the economies of these states will wind up subsidizing the green dreams of coastal liberals.

Will this result in more energy?  Supposedly, cap-and-trade will push green-energy producers into mass production.  However, no one has a clue whether any of these resources will have that kind of capability even after we start squeezing conventional energy producers out of business.  Instead, the White House and Congressional Democrats have taken an approach that crosses Field of Dreams with European failure — If you build the cap-and-trade market, mass-production green energy will come.

It's not based on actually fixing anything, but simply on maximizing the moment of time when radical liberal Democrats run so much of the show that they think they can't be stopped.  It doesn't matter that this will destroy the economy and cause financial mayhem across the country...they believe in the green way of life!

And, by the way, they're smarter than you and know better than you.  You probably still cling to God and guns, you primitive backward imbecile, you.

There's my two cents.

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