Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Make The Call: Say No To Anti-American Obama Nominee

This is very important, so your phone calls and e-mails today will be critical in helping our Senators find their spine (emphasis mine):

The Right’s best legal minds have been exposing radical leftist Stuart Koh, President Obama’s State Department legal adviser nominee, for months.

On Wednesday morning, the Senate votes.

From the folks at No Koh:

Harold Koh has been nominated to be the State Department Legal Adviser, a position that would make him the voice of the United States around the world on international legal issues. Koh is, however, a major champion of “transnationalism” – the belief that Americans should use foreign law and the views of international organizations to interpret our Constitution and determine our policies. He believes that the United States needs international permission in order to defend itself, even from imminent threats. Koh has gone so far as to refer to the United States as part of an “axis of disobedience” – along with Iran, North Korea, and Saddam Hussein’s Iraq – in reference to America’s alleged repeated violations of international law.

Where we are: The Senate vote on Koh is scheduled to take place Wednesday morning, June 24th. Because Senate Majority Leader Reid has filed a motion to invoke what is known as “cloture” – which would limit debate on Koh’s nomination, his supporters will need sixty Senators to vote in favor of the motion on Wednesday morning. If Koh gets sixty yes votes, he will effectively be confirmed for the State Department Legal Adviser post.

The number for the Senate switchboard – which can transfer you to the offices of both your Senators – is (202) 224-3121.

Please let your Senators know your views on this nomination.

Take time to make a call and make your voices heard.

More here.

Background here.

This guy would gut the Constitution -- given his plainly stated beliefs, he'll have to lie to swear to uphold it -- in the name of international law. He would go out of his way to force America to capitulate to foreign nations when conflicts arise with soldiers at war, with environmental disputes, and any number of other key issues. With him at the legal helm, American sovereignty will take a huge hit.

Do it. Make the calls.

There's my two cents.

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