Friday, June 26, 2009

More Cap-N-Trade Tax Information, Part 8

Two more quick updates.

Michelle Malkin's continuing coverage:

4:48pm: GOP Rep. Tom Price asks for moment of silence for all those who will lose their jobs under cap and trade. Heh. Request denied.

Rep. Pence: We can stop this bill. We can do better. And we must!

4:53pm: GOP Rep. Barton refers to suppressed EPA Carlin report. "The science is not there."

Barton cites Spain's green jobs boondoggle. Costs 2.2 regular jobs for every green job. "That's not a revolution I want to be a part of."

5:17pm: Connie Hair reports from top GOP sources that Dems have pulled Patrick Kennedy out of rehab to vote.

Yes, it's that close.

The Hill:

Republicans are playing into the hands of the Iranian regime and the Saudi Arabian kingdom, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) argued Friday.

Weiner said that Republicans' opposition to the climate change bill scheduled for a vote this afternoon benefits the oil-rich companies, which have been accused of funneling some of that money to terrorist groups.

"Ahmadinejad, the Saudi Kingdom — they want exactly what my Republican friends are advocating," Weiner said on the floor during the debate ahead of this afternoon's vote.

"We can't come to the floor and say I'm outraged at what's going on in Iran…and then come to the floor and continue the policies that are paying for them!" Weiner added.

This guy is a complete idiot.  This bill will hike domestic energy prices, thus forcing oil companies to close down domestic production facilities.  That, in turn, will cause America to import even more oil than we are now!  That's what Republicans are fighting against, and what he himself is fighting for!  This moron is completely backwards...can he even hear himself speak??  If he was so interested in preventing dependence upon foreign oil and spending less with Iran, he'd be agreeing with Republicans about opening up vast new domestic supplies of oil.

I think he's just been told to holler and scream and make Republicans look bad however he can, and he just got a little too enthusiastic about it to keep his wits about him.
  Isn't it good to know the country is in such able hands?

There's my two cents.

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