Thursday, June 25, 2009

Imminent Vote On Climate Change Destroy-The-American-Economy Bill

It's scheduled for Friday of this week:

Democratic leaders in the House have scheduled a Friday vote on a climate change bill that would establish a complex cap-and-trade system to limit the nation's greenhouse gas emissions, a priority for President Obama.

Here's the Dem side:

The legislation "will spark a clean energy transformation that will reduce our dependence on foreign oil and confront the carbon pollution that threatens our planet," Obama said yesterday at a news conference. He added that the bill's incentives "will finally make clean energy the profitable kind of energy. And that will lead to the development of new technologies that lead to new industries that could create millions of new jobs in America, jobs that can't be shipped overseas."

The Environmental Protection Agency said yesterday that energy efficiency measures prompted by the legislation would lower consumer spending on utility bills by roughly 7 percent in 2020.

Here's the Rep side:

But House Republicans have attacked what they call "cap and tax" legislation, saying it would sharply raise energy costs for American consumers and ship jobs overseas. The National Republican Congressional Committee tried to tap opposition in a fundraising letter that called cap-and-trade legislation "nothing more than a tax which starts accruing the moment you flip on your light switch."

By the way, the EPA has now been outed as having deliberately squashed opposition based purely on a political basis.

Here's the other ominous warning sign that jumps out at me:

The House Rules Committee unveiled the latest version of the bill, which weighs in at 1,201 pages.

Does anyone remember the last time we saw a mammoth bill that no one had time to read but that Obama and the Democrats insisted was absolutely critical to pass in order to prevent the Earth from collapsing into a black hole of destruction?  Was it the stimulus bill?  How about TARP?  The omnibus spending bill?

The answer: yes, yes, and yes.

Here are some related links that you need to check out if you're unfamiliar with this issue:

Warren Buffett called cap and trade "a huge tax and there's no sense in calling it anything else."

Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.): "Cap and trade is a tax and it's a great big one."

Rep. Rick Boucher (D-Va) claims there is "not a penny of tax in this legislation."
Boucher is obviously misleading the American people with what he says.

Check out the real story behind today's universal health care rally:

...Americans should know that those Members who vote for this climate bill are voting for what is likely to be the biggest tax in American history. Even Democrats can't repeal that reality. 



It starts with the House, so call your Rep first.  It won't hurt to call your Senators, too, just to give them a heads up on your opposition.  Then e-mail the link to this article and any of the others from this blog to everyone you know.  The word needs to get out NOW.  The future of America is literally at stake.

There's my two cents.

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