Friday, June 26, 2009

Wow...Even Greenpeace Opposes Cap-N-TradeTax!

Who'da thunk it?

Greenpeace just came out in opposition to the massive, 1,200-page bill the House is considering today. I say 1,200 pages, but it may have expanded to 1,500 overnight, as there's a rumor than 300 pages of amendments were added around 2 a.m.

Conservatives quickly took to Twitter to laud Greenpeace, which is opposing the bill for entirely different reasons than the Right, but nonetheless.

Thus, the cap-and-trade bill solved global warming for free, before even being passed, because Hell hath officially frozen over.

The rumor was actually confirmed, as you know from previous posts.  Keep calling - it's not over yet!

There's my two cents.

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