Friday, June 26, 2009

More Cap-N-Trade Tax Information, Part 3

Guess who else is a loser if Obama's cap-n-tax plan goes into law?  That's right, the very people Dems are supposed to represent: the poor.

Roy Innis, CORE National Chairman since 1968, writes:

The civil rights challenge of our time is to stop extreme environmental policies that drive up the cost of energy and disproportionately hurt low income Americans and the working poor."

As Innis himself notes, the American Gas Association (AGA) has extensively documented the high portion of income that goes towards energy costs for low-income families. Some key statistics:

• "The average median income family in America devotes about a nickel out of every dollar of income to energy costs.
• The average low-income family has to devote 20 cents of a dollar to energy.
• And the average family below the poverty line has to devote as much as 50 cents of every dollar to buy the energy they need."

A tax that increases energy prices would disproportionately eat into the income of the poorest American families.

Red States posts that your phone calls and e-mails are having an effect - Dems called a special strategy session last night to figure out how to beg, borrow, or steal enough votes to pass this thing.  You know what means, right?  Double your calls and e-mails!

Michelle Malkin has an update list of who to target:

The time has finally come for a vote on cap-and-trade, H.R. 2454. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has called a vote just before the 4th of July recess, hoping to use the specter of keeping everyone in DC and ruining their holiday, to force cap-and-trade legislation through.

This is the key target list based on our most recent information. If your Congressman is on an undecided or leaning list below PLEASE click here and enter your zip code to get your representative's number and talking points on this issue.

If you have new information please let me know at pkerpen at
Republican List (Unlisted are solid no)

Solid Yes
Bono, Mary California

Lean Yes
Castle, Michael Delaware
Ehlers, Vernon Michigan
Lance, Leonard New Jersey
McHugh, John New York
Reichert, Dave Washington

Buchanan, Vern Florida
Kirk, Mark Illinois
Lobiondo, Frank New Jersey
Petri, Thomas Wisconsin
Smith, Chris New Jersey

Lean No
Fortenberry, Jeffrey Nebraska
Frelinghuysen, Rod New Jersey
Gerlach, Jim Pennsylvania
Johnson, Timothy Illinois


Democratic List (Unlisted are solid yes)

Lean No
Boswell, Leonard Iowa
Etheridge, Bob North Carolina
Halvorson, Debbie Illinois
Hinojosa, Ruben Texas
Kaptur, Marcy Ohio
Marshall, Jim Georgia
Massa, Eric New York
Minnick, Walt Idaho
Mollohan, Alan West Virginia
Rahall, Nick West Virginia
Salazar, John Colorado

Arcuri, Michael New York
Bishop, Sanford Georgia
Boccieri, John Ohio
Boyd, Allen Florida
Brown, Corrine Florida
Carney, Chris Pennsylvania
Davis, Lincoln Tennessee
Dicks, Norm Washington
Donnelly, Joe Indiana
Foster, Bill Illinois
Green, Al Texas
Jackson Lee, Sheila Texas
Johnson, Eddie Texas
Kind, Ronald Wisconsin
Kirkpatrick, Ann Arizona
McIntyre, Mike North Carolina
Ortiz, Solomon Texas
Space, Zach Ohio
Teague, Harry New Mexico
Tonko, Paul New York

Lean Yes
Abercrombie, Neil Hawaii
Adler, John New Jersey
Baca, Joe California
Bean, Melissa Illinois
Cardoza, Dennis California
Clay, William Missouri
Cooper, Jim Tennessee
Costa, Jim California
Driehaus, Steve Ohio
Fudge, Marcia Ohio
Grayson, Alan Florida
Kagan, Steve Wisconsin
Kildee, Dale Michigan
Kosmas, Suzanne Florida
Kratovil, Frank Maryland
Maffei, Dan New York
Mary Jo Kilroy Ohio
McMahon, Michael New York
Meek, Kendrick Florida
Meeks, Gregory New York
Mitchell, Harry Arizona
Murphy, Scott New York
Nye, Glenn Virginia
Peters, Gary Michigan
Rodriguez, Ciro Texas
Schauer, Mark Michigan
Shuler, Heath North Carolina
Skelton, Ike Missouri
Thompson, Bennie Mississippi

Solid No
Altmire, Jason Pennsylvania
Barrow, John Georgia
Berry, Marion Arkansas
Boren, Dan Oklahoma
Bright, Bobby Alabama
Childers, Travis Mississippi
Costello, Jerry Illinois
Cuellar, Henry Texas
Dahlkemper, Kathy Pennsylvania
Davis, Artur Alabama
Defazio, Peter Oregon
Doggett, Lloyd Texas
Edwards, Chet Texas
Ellsworth, Brad Indiana
Griffith, Parker Alabama
Herseth, Stephanie South Dakota
Holden, Tim Pennsylvania
Kissell, Larry North Carolina
Kucinich, Dennis Ohio
Matheson, Jim Utah
Melancon, Charlie Louisiana
Pomeroy, Earl North Dakota
Ross, Mike Arkansas
Scott, David Georgia
Tanner, John Tennessee
Taylor, Gene Mississippi
Wilson, Charlie Ohio

Once again, the capitol switchboard number is 202-224-3121.  Ask for your Congressperson by name or by state.  Tell them to vote no on this bill (H.R. 2454) and feel free to give them as many reasons as you'd like.  The lines will hopefully be jammed up all day Friday, so keep trying until you get through.  If you can't get them in Washington, try your Rep's local offices.  They are constantly feeding the Reps updates on big votes like this, so that's another option that might be easier to utilize.  The point is that, as Malkin says, we need to melt the phones with angry calls.

While you're dialing, send an e-mail by contacting your Rep here.

There's my two cents.

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