Monday, June 29, 2009

Doublethink Alert: Cap-N-TradeTax Edition

This is incredible, even for a doublethink master like Barack Obama!

Saturday, in preparation for the cap-n-tax bill heading to the Senate, President Obama said this:
"My call to every senator, as well as to every American, is this," he said. "We cannot be afraid of the future. And we must not be prisoners of the past. Don't believe the misinformation out there that suggests there is somehow a contradiction between investing in clean energy and economic growth."
Hmmm...very interesting. When he says 'misinformation' that suggests clean energy investment and economic growth don't go together, I wonder if he's referring to this:

...or this:

Maybe someone should ask him who exactly it is that's spreading around these vicious, vicious rumors...

There's my two cents.

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