Friday, January 4, 2008

Border Security Gutted By Pelosi

Right Truth reports that the Democrat leaders in the House are trying to eliminate border security again.  The latest funding bill -- literally thousands of pages long -- makes some serious changes to things that have already been passed, and Republicans are starting to express concerns as they discover them.  Excerpts:

According to Congressman Duncan Hunter, this omnibus spending bill technically eliminates any requirement for "physical barriers or fencing along the border."

"This action basically repeals the Secure Fence Act (of 2006) and undermines past efforts to secure our nation's borders."

House Minority Leader John Boehner said:

"The fact that this was buried in a bloated, 3,500-page omnibus speaks volumes about the Democrats' unserious approach on border security and illegal immigration. Gutting the Secure Fence Act will make our borders less secure, but it's consistent with the pattern of behavior we've seen all year from this majority." [Emphasis Mine]

And Congressman Peter King (R-NY) commented:

"This is either a blatant oversight or a deliberate attempt to disregard the border security of our country. As it's currently written, the omnibus language guts the Secure Fence Act almost entirely. Quite simply, it is unacceptable."

But that's not the whole story.

Not only did Nancy Pelosi and her gang gut the border fence, this monstrous omnibus spending bill ALSO GIVES 10 MILLION OF YOUR HARD-EARNED TAX DOLLARS TO ATTORNEYS OF ILLEGAL ALIENS!

According to CNS News:

"House Republican Whip Roy Blunt of Missouri said the bill is full of 'misguided' policy decisions: 'On one page, for instance, you will find a set of new restrictions on the construction of our security fence along the border; on another, $10 million in 'emergency' funding for attorneys of illegal immigrants.'"

These Democrats are beyond bad!  They are undermining existing legislation that protects Americans and the American economy, they are lying and deceiving the American people and their Republican counterparts, they are giving YOUR TAX DOLLARS to lawyers who are defending illegal immigrants...

I'm beginning to think they are actually trying to harm Americans.  Can you give me any evidence to the contrary?

I didn't think so.

There's my two cents.

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