Monday, January 21, 2008

Who Said It: Al Qaeda, Or A Democrat?

The latest edition of 'Who Said It' in Rush Limbaugh's monthly newsletter is a withering assault on the Democrats' handling of the war against Al Qaeda. In Limbaugh's characteristically poignant way, he prints a series of quotes, some from Al Qaeda and some from defeatist Democrats, challenging readers to determine who said what. Using their own words, Limbaugh illustrates exactly how in synch Democrat leaders are with Osama bin Laden and his thugs. Take a look:

1. "This is George Bush's war. He is responsible for this war. He started the war. He mismanaged the war. He escalated the war. And he refuses to end the war."
2. "[George W. Bush] will go down in the President who embroiled his nation in a series of unwinnable and bloody conflicts."

3. "[A]fter several years of the tragedies of this war, the vast majority of [Americans] want it stopped. Thus, [they] elected the Democratic Party."
4. "The public spoke at the last election, very overwhelmingly, and they said they want [America] out of Iraq."

5. "President Johnson did not want a war loss on his watch. And so he surged in Vietnam...After the surge was over [it] added to the 24,000 dead Americans 34,000."
6. "[The Soviet Union] was overtaken by pride and arrogance and refused to look at the facts on the ground [in Afghanistan]...The mistakes of Brezhnev are being repeated by Bush."

7. "We know the cost of the war is going to exceed $2 trillion. We know that the [American] military is almost at its breaking point."
8. "[T]he spending of tens of billions to continue the killing and war [in Iraq]...has led to the vast majority of [Americans']...disappointment."

9. "Victory is elusive. Victory is subjective. What does [President Bush] mean by 'victory'?"
10. "[T]oday, nearly four years after [Bush] hastily declared victory in Iraq...things aren't going too well for [the]...coalition. In fact, things are going really bad."
11. "The image of President Bush standing in front of the 'Mission Accomplished' banner...[is] a metaphor for the Bush White House's misleading and dangerous incompetence."

Now, here are the answers:
1. Democrat: Hillary Clinton, 6/3/07
2. Al Qaeda: Azzam al-Amriki, 5/29/07
3. Al Qaeda: Osama bin Laden, 9/07
4. Democrat: Jack Murtha, 11/20/07
5. Democrat: Harry Reid, 4/19/07
6. Al Qaeda: Osama bin Laden, 9/07
7. Democrat: Harry Reid, 12/3/07
8. Al Qaeda: Osama bin Laden, 9/07
9. Democrat: Nancy Pelosi, 11/8/06
10. Al Qaeda: Azzam al-Amriki, 5/29/07
11. Democrat: Harry Reid, 5/1/06

Think about this...if the Democrat leaders are this in synch with our enemies, do we really want them running our country and 'protecting' America from those same enemies??

There's my two cents.

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