The ad is in support of the Chrysler National Dealer Council.It is also pointed out that although Obama defenders say that most dealers are Republicans, the Chrysler Dealer Council has twice as many Dem-supporting dealers on it as Rep-supporters. It should be the other way around, shouldn't it? Hmmm...
Exit82 reported:
The ad is a full page and reads like a BS account of why the elimination of dealers was necessary, good for Chrysler, so sorry it had to happen to some of our friends, blah, blah, blah.
I believe this ad was part of a nationwide ad buy in many papers because it is written to a antional audience.
My BS meter pinged immediately.
The following people/dealers were listed at the bottom of the ad, supposedly supporting it. We should study the list to see the if they were retained and what party they donated to...
[see link for names]
Smith6450 discovered this:Here’s what I found on the dealers on the list:So the democratic dealers who were left untouched and those dealers who lost local competitors support the Chrysler closings.
1. Mickey Anderson is a GOP donor.
2. Carlos Hidalgo and McSkimming gave no money to candidates, but their local Dodge competitors will be closed down. They will each be the only chrysler dealers in their areas.
3. John Myers gave no money to candidates, but their local Jeep competitor will close. Myers will be the only local Chrysler dealer in the area.
Since 2007, the following dealers gave money to candidates:
1. Jim Arrigo gave $3,300 to Ron Klein (D)
2. Chuck Eddy gave $500 to John Boccieri (D)
3. Charles Foulke gave $6,900 to Robert Andrews (D) and $6,300 to various Democrats from 1994-2000
4. Andrew Palmer gave $750 to Russ Feingold (D) and $500 to Paul Ryan (R)
5. John Schenden gave $900 to Joan Fitz-Gerald (D)
What a shock!
If you look at the dealerships being closed, they gave to Republican candidates by a ratio of 42:1!
But that must just be a coincidence.
Michelle Malkin reports on another interesting detail - dealers donating to Hillary Clinton are surviving at suspicious rates, too. Couldn't be because the 'car czar' Steven Rattner, happens to be married to the finance chair of Hillary Clinton's re-election campaign, could it?
Nah. Another coincidence. Move along...there's nothing to see here...move along...HOPE! and CHANGE!
There's my two cents.
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