Still, do you now understand what I'm talking about with the smoking ban? It won't stop with smoking. Remember trans-fats? How about eggs, coffee, oatmeal, carrots, Nutri-sweet, and any of the other things that Leftists have declared to be horrendously dangerous? It's ridiculous!Now we learn about the next liberal tax-and-control target:
But, this is precisely what I was warning you about. It's all about control. The liberal Left thirsts for control and power, and any way they can dictate what you do, say, buy, think, or feel is something they will pursue. They want an all-powerful nanny state that provides all things to all people, because then they can control everyone.
Pay attention when anything is banned. Even if you're a non-smoker, chances are good that you consume eggs and Nutri-sweetened coffee in the morning, or many things with trans-fats in them, right? Just because it's not your thing that's being banned today doesn't mean it won't be your thing tomorrow.
Cooking oil.Colorado Restaurant Association Big Cheese Pete Meersman is afraid the city of Denver’s Department of Revenue is jumping out of the frying pan and into the fryer.
At issue? During some recent restaurant-industry audits, the city has claimed separate sales tax on frying oil, claiming that the oil is a separate product because it is not absorbed into the product.
Try telling that to a cardiologist who wants you to cut down on French fries.
Once again: it won't stop with smoking, with trans-fats, or with anything else. Once the nation accepts this sort of minute control over people's lives, there is literally nothing that the government will not try to control.
The longer these radical Leftists stay in charge, the more freedoms you can kiss goodbye.
There's my two cents.
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