Hot Air offers this analysis:Forty-five percent (45%) of Americans say the rest of the new government spending authorized in the $787-billion economic stimulus plan should now be canceled. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that just 36% disagree and 20% are not sure.
According to news reports, only $36 billion of the stimulus plan had been spent as of late May.
Just 20% of adults say the tax cuts included in the stimulus plan should be canceled while 55% disagree. The stimulus plan includes $288 billion in tax cuts.
Why keep the tax cuts while dumping the spending? Tax cuts allow people to spend money themselves, instead of trusting Joe Biden to spend it for them. It also pushes capital back to the market, which creates jobs, rather than into government where it gets spent inefficiently and thus far hasn't created anything except summer jobs and temp positions for the Census.
Mary Katharine Ham adds some additional details:
Obama declared that the American people wanted change in November, and he was listening. Clearly, the American people want another change you think he'll listen again?For cover on spending issues, Obama has triumphantly reintroduced pay-go, but even the New York Times sounds skeptical of his commitment to discipline at this point, so who can blame the American people?
During the first four months of his administration, President Obama has committed roughly $1 trillion in federal spending: a $787 billion economic recovery package, and $350 billion in money to bail out the nation's banks. The budget deficit for this year is now projected at $1.8 trillion.
So on Tuesday, in the face of considerable skepticism from Republicans, the president was talking about saving money, not spending it.
Okay, seriously, though, this is a sure-fire issue for any GOPer who wishes to win an election in 2010. Why? May I remind you that of the 3,800 collective votes cast by Congress for all the rampant spending that has taken place since Obama took over, 89% of them were from Democrats. If you remove TARP from the equation, that number jumps to 97%.
They wanted it, they pushed it, they bullied for it, and they got it. Now, make 'em deal with it.
If Republicans had any brains, they'd start trumpeting their opposition to all this spending TODAY, and keep it up through November 2010. Since they don't have any brains, you'll have to supply it for them - call your Rep and your Senators and demand they go for the jugular right now. And remember, some 60% of this spending isn't slated to take place until after the 2010 elections, meaning if the GOP takes back control of Congress (or even a big enough minority to succeed in a filibuster) much of it can be stopped.
Start dialing.
There's my two cents.
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