Friday, June 12, 2009

Rush Limbaugh On 'Saved Or Created' Jobs

No one can make a point like Limbaugh, and when the stakes are high he is at his best. Listen to him take on Obama's jobs nonsense using their own words, brilliantly illustrating every single point from the previous post on saving and creating jobs:

Let's recap:

- we've lost millions of jobs since Obama took office
- unemployment has risen to decades-long highs since Obama took office
- Obama is claiming that he's 'saved or created' jobs based solely on how much taxpayer money he's wasted (as opposed to actually counting jobs)
- it is literally impossible to track 'saved' jobs
- temporary summer jobs are included in Obama's numbers
- Obama's claims are largely the result of guesswork

Yes, the American economy is in good hands, don't you think?

There's my two cents.

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