Monday, October 22, 2007

Conservative Victory In Louisiana

In a huge victory, Republican Bobby Jindal won the Governor's race in Louisiana. He ran as a conservative and an unabashed Christian, pledging to clean up the corruption in the state:
Speaking of the state's corruption problems, and the officials who contribute to them, Jindal said, "They can either go quietly or they can go loudly, but either way, they will go."
Not only did Jindal win, but it wasn't even close. This could be a huge signal that the Democrat party isn't nearly as strong as it boasts going into the 2008 election cycle. Louisiana is a traditional Democrat stronghold, and for a conservative Republican to win easily has to be a disturbing event. Also, remember that Jindal's campaign targeted government corruption.

Hm, what do you think would happen if other conservative Republicans ran on things like eliminating government corruption...

There's my two cents.

1 comment:

Marie's Two Cents said...

I just saw something about this.

No one is covering this.

What a great day for Louisiana :-)