Monday, October 29, 2007

Was This A Flip Or A Flop?

Hillary Clintong* made a curious pair of statements at her 60th birthday fundraiser last Thursday night. Check it out:
"This is a good and great country," she said to applause. "Let's go out and change it and make history together."

If this is such a good and great country, why is she trying to change it? Conversely, if it needs to be changed as much as she is promising to change it, how is it still so good and great?

I just can't figure out if this was a flip or a flop...she's gone back and forth so many times on so many issues that it's hard to keep track. Regardless, she's apparently now flip-flopped on America itself.

There's my two cents.

* This is not a mis-spelling - see previous blog about Clinton's Asian connection.

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