Monday, October 22, 2007

DREAM Could Spring Anytime

An e-mail from NumbersUSA warns of a new tactic by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to pass the DREAM amnesty. Reid invoked Rule 14, which allows him to call a vote on a bill at any time without any committee review or debate. It is clear that Reid intends to bring the DREAM Act -- which is now a standalone bill, S. 2205 -- for a vote soon in the hopes that the opposition does not have a chance to kill it again. Without committee review and debate, he can force the vote without any public exposure.

So, that means you need to call and e-mail your Senators EVERY DAY until this thing happens.

Here are a couple of suggested things to say:
S. 2205, the stand-alone version of the DREAM Act, has been placed on the Senate Legislative Calendar under Rule 14 because the Leadership knows that if the bill is out there long enough to go through the normal committee process, Americans will have a chance to express their overwhelming opposition to it and it will fail.

This underhanded attempt to bypass the process and shove this through before the public catches on is shameful and must not be allowed to work.
The e-mail also shares some information from their adversaries (supporters of DREAM):
- calls against DREAM have swamped the pro-DREAM calls 50-1
- they believe they can get 70 votes, when only 60 are needed to pass, if DREAM is allowed to come to the Senate floor
- they believe that if DREAM passes they can pass a whole string of other amnesties and benefits for illegal aliens
As predicted months ago, once amnesty gets through the door, the floodgates of handouts will open, leading to an illegal immigration problem that will dwarf what we face now. This issue will not go away until the American people force it to die completely. That means fighting round after round, attempt after attempt, until these politicians get it through their thick heads that the American people WON'T ACCEPT amnesty and handouts for illegal aliens!

Seriously, call and e-mail EVERY DAY until this thing comes up for a vote. Let's ratchet up that 50:1 ratio to 100:1! Maybe that'll finally deliver the message.

There's my two cents.

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