Thursday, October 25, 2007

New Direction? No Thanks.

That's what America is saying to Hollywood's assault on the War on Terror and the American military. The first of a series of current and upcoming anti-war (anti-American) films have been complete flops. One example is that “Rendition,” which features three Oscar winners in key roles, grossed $4.1 million over the weekend in 2,250 screens for a ninth-place finish. A re-release of “The Nightmare Before Christmas” beat it, and it’s 14 years old.

Conservative Thoughts draws the following conclusion:
Nancy Pelosi would have us believe that Americans had stated they wanted a ‘new direction’ when they voted in that current crop of leftists. As we suspected, most Americans are not in favor of trashing their military, their country and cowardice. She read them wrong obviously, they probably wanted a ‘New Direction’, one away from failure, but not a direction towards cowardice and defeat. Have a lemon leftists and good on you America.
I agree: way to go, America! When will the Democrats realize that Americans simply detest the thought of losing? We are not losers, we don't want to look like losers, and we don't want the rest of the world thinking we're losers! I guess it's just hard for the Democrats to break away from that loser way of thinking. After all, the only thing they've done since they regained power in Congress last year is...lose.

There's my two cents.

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