Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Syrian Nuclear Treachery

Two more stories with additional information about the Israeli raid on a suspected Syrian nuclear facility last month.

First, if you're interested, Hot Air posts some pics from Google Maps with the possible location of the facility in question. It's amazing what the Internet provides, isn't it?

More importantly, I just came across a story in the London Times from a few weeks ago. Apparently, in the time before Israel attacked Syria's facility, the United States wanted more proof before supporting them. Israel provided it, in the form of actual nuclear material from the facility. In addition, it seems conclusive that the material and knowledge for this facility was coming from North Korea, which would be a violation of the treaty they signed with us.

Keep an eye on this situation, too. The light is creeping into the dark corners of these terrorist-supporting, nuclear-seeking states, and they're not going to fade away without a fight.

There's my two cents.

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