Wednesday, October 31, 2007

More On Thought Crimes

Debbie at RightTruth posts a story about a new piece of legislation dealing with thought crimes. The short version is that the liberal Left is trying to control what you think about certain groups of people.

I've blogged about this several times before (here, here, here, and here), so I won't go into explicit detail, but here's the nutshell of my argument. Regardless of what issue you're dealing with (homosexuality, terrorism, racism, etc.), you simply can't control what other people think - you can only control or punish what people do. Thought crimes/control stifles freedom of speech and expression, and flies directly in the face of American tradition, the Constitution, and everything that made America great.

It is literally impossible to make laws that fairly govern thoughts, and b
y creating protected classes of people, you create government-sanctioned discrimination (against everyone who is not a member of that class). Anyone in that class can take legal action against anyone else for any real or perceived insult. If you thought there were a lot of frivolous lawsuits now, wait until you see what would happen with thought crimes legislation! And, with the impossibility of creating fair laws to enforce thought crimes, we're left simply to the talent of our trial lawyers against their trial lawyers. Do you really want your freedom and well-being (and that of your family) resting on that?

Once we get too far down this slope, there is no logical place to stop until absolute chaos reigns. We've already started on this path, and we simply cannot afford to let things go any further.

It's nice to see some other bloggers hit the topic, too. Debbie's got lots of links on her post, so go check them out.

There's my two cents.

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