Monday, October 22, 2007

Illegals Receiving Driver's Licenses

New York is taking center stage on the illegal immigration front. Governor Eliot Spitzer has ordered that driver's licenses should be issued to illegal aliens, prompting outrage and defiance.

New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, who in June abandoned the Republican Party, criticized the order recently, as did former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani:
"Governor Spitzer should not give licenses to illegals...[i]t doesn't make sense."
The profile of the issue was escalated last week when the Monroe County legislature defied the governor and ordered its county clerk to require anyone seeking a driver's license to provide a valid Social Security number.

In addition, 29 clerks, all but one a Republican, voted to oppose the plan, with 13 vowing to directly disobey the governor, even if ordered to comply.

This should be a very interesting legal battle, since New York is probably the most liberal place -- other than San Francisco -- in the country.

Keep an eye on this one, I'm sure it will be back in the headlines before too long.

There's my two cents.

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