Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Here are a few things that caught my interest today, the first day of 2008:

Making everyone a criminal
The recording industry's hitman, RIAA, has now made the statement that it is not legal to make a digital copy on your PC of a legally-purchased CD. Despite thousands of lawsuits against people for illegally creating and sharing digital music, the industry has not stopped the bleeding of withering album sales. Attempting this sort of idiocy is not going to help the RIAA's image at all. Of course, if these artists could make more than one decent song per album, that would help, too. Anyway, beware - if the RIAA has its way, pretty soon it's going to be illegal to even listen to your CDs!

Medical myths
Here are seven medical myths that even doctors believe:
- we only use 10% of our brains
- you should drink at least 8 glasses of water every day
- fingernails and hair grow after death
- shaved hair grows back faster, coarser, and darker
- reading in dim light ruins your eyesight
- eating turkey makes you drowsy
- mobile phones are dangerous in hospitals
Just for fun! Check out the article for the truth behind the myths.

No terror attacks is no accident
Ronald Kessler examines why it is no accident that the U.S. hasn't been hit with another major terrorist attack. Liberals will tell you it's luck, but they're wrong (as usual). The truth is that under Bush's leadership and understanding of the enemy we face, the CIA, FBI, and military have undergone changes that have better allowed them to fight against terrorism. There are a ton of great details in this article, so take a minute to check it out. Understanding is the key, and Bush continues to show it. We should all do the same.

Pelosi's promises
Hotair.com takes a look at some of the promises Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi made in her 2006 inauguration speech, and whether or not she kept those promises. The video has some fun effects that make it worth the couple minutes to watch it, but here's the info:
1. Restore civility and bipartisanship
2. Be the most ethical Congress in history
3. Work with the President on Iraq
Here's what she's done in her first year:
1. Dems launched 400 partisan investigations, said Reps 'like' the Iraq war
2. Sought corrupt friends Jack Murtha and Alcee Hastings for major posts, corrupt Dems William Jefferson and Alan Mollohan remain in office
3. Congress held more than 60 votes on Iraq, most of which aimed to remove funding from the troops; the current funding threatens civilian employees
This is what you get when Democrats run things: double standards, lies, and incompetence.

China benefits from new energy bill
Right Truth posts some of the results from the recently-signed energy bill specifically in regard to the new light bulbs that will be required as of 2012:
1. Current light bulbs are made in the U.S., but these new light bulbs are made in China --- American jobs will be lost.
2. Current light bulbs cost around $0.31, but these new light bulbs cost around $4.50 --- Americans will pay almost 15 times more for light bulbs! Also, the new bulbs won't fit many chandeliers or dimmers.
3. Current light bulbs are easy to clean up and dispose of if they're broken, but these new light bulbs have mercury in them which could require a hazmat cleanup --- this could cost you $2,000 a pop.
4. This bill was written by lobbyists, not Congress.

As Right Truth concludes:
Did I mention these lights take time to warm up—some as long as 15 minutes. The rich will feel good, the middle class and poor will be poorer and obviously taken advantage of by our elected officials. Any wonder there is little trust in government?
No joke! This is ridiculous! In 2012, when you have to start dealing with these stupid new light bulbs, and paying a lot more money for cars that are less safe, just remember this is what happens when Congress loses its mind and forgets who employs them...the American people!

There's my two cents.

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