Thursday, September 13, 2007

Another Real Life Example

My daughter just turned three. Over the past few months, anytime we would ask her how old she was, she would confidently proclaim, "Four!" ...and then hold up one finger. If we ever tried to correct her, she would collapse into a little ball on the floor, wailing about wanting to be four. Even though she was wrong, it was really quite adorable! :)

I share this story because it recently struck me as an absolutely perfect example of how the Democrats in Congress are behaving, particularly in regard to the War on Terror/War in Iraq.

The Democrats confidently proclaim things like, "the war is over" or "the surge has failed", even though they're wrong. Of course, even while they're saying one thing, they actually mean another ("we support the troops but we don't support the mission", "we want America to win, but we don't think the government should wiretap terrorists", "we will keep America safe, but the war's a bumper sticker slogan", etc.). When confronted with the facts that disprove what they say, they collapse into a hissy fit of rage and despair, insisting even louder that they are right despite the facts.

The next time you see Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, or any other Democrat leader brush away the trivialities of facts and insist that they know better anyway, just picture a three year old.

There's my two cents.

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