Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Potential Future Attacks

If you're wondering about whether or not we need to still be concerned about terrorist attacks on American soil, you need to check out Right Truth, which blogs about some alarming signs that terrorists may try to attack children on school buses. It's not an unprecedented thought - in fact, it's happened before.

There's more information there than I can summarize, but just take a look at the headlines of stories (go there for the details) just since 2004:

- Terrorists Buying School Buses in the United States
- FBI issues "informational bulletin" on jihadi school bus drivers
- School Bus Thefts Concern Houston Authorities
- Under the DMV's current bus driver licensing program, new bus drivers can drive kids for up to 90 days while their backgrounds checks are taking place.
- Next Terrorist Attack on American Children?
- Saudi men on Florida school bus, NO ACCIDENT
- School bus riding Saudi men in Florida escape prosecution
- Saudi men who boarded school bus in Florida ordered to write an essay

If this doesn't engrage you, nothing will. Now, let's remember something critical...connect the dots, if you will.

Which party in America is leading the fight for the rights of terrorists on the battlefield and at Gitmo? Which party is working hard to torpedo the Patriot Act? Which party is fighting to prevent surveillance on terrorists? Which party slanders our President and the general who is leading our forces against these terrorists? Which party calls our troops murderers and Nazis, and accuses them of 'killing in cold blood' and 'air-raiding villages and killing civilians'? Which party is leading the charge to stifle pictures, videos, and movies of the 9/11 attacks (so we forget about them)?

The Democrat party.

When it's apparent that American children and school buses are in the crosshairs of these terrorist maniacs, who do you trust to deal with the War on Terror?

Think about that. We will never forget.

There's my two cents.

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