Monday, September 10, 2007

Bush Changed Course; Will Congress?

Senators John McCain and Joe Lieberman write an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal with a brief message and challenge to their peers. The war has -- as we all know by now -- turned in our favor. Violence is down, security is up, and progress is moving forward, both militarily and politically.

They chastise those who are fighting for an immediate withdrawal, citing historical and expert analysis of why a withdrawal would only make the situation worse rather than better. The current political strategy (dubbed 'bottom up' progress) is working, but it cannot be completed if our troops are pulled out.

They maintain that Bush held on too long to a flawed strategy, and caution the 'cut and run' crowd of doing the same thing:
"The Bush administration finally had the courage to change course in Iraq earlier this year. After hearing from Gen. Petraeus today, we hope congressional opponents of the war will do the same."
It's refreshing to hear sanity in the Senate. Let's hope it prevails.

There's my two cents.

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