Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Israel and Syria

Ynetnews is reporting that Israel bombed a military target in northern Syria last week. Israel has remained silent on the attack, but Syria has lodged a complaint with the U.N, and the U.S. confirmed yesterday that Israel did launch airstrikes in Syrian airspace last week.

Syria (along with Iran) is the biggest benefactor of Hezbollah the militant group responsible for numerous attacks on Israel. During the summer of 2006, Hezbollah fired hundreds of rockets (probably smuggled across the Syrian-Lebanon border) at Israeli targets. Israel's attempts to get the U.N. to stop the flow of weapons from Syria to Hezbollah have been largely ignored by the U.N.

There is a suspicion that another purpose of this attack was to take out a nuclear facility in Syria. It is believed that North Korea has supplied Syria with some of their nuclear material. Guess who provided North Korea with nuclear technology?

Bill Clinton, both by lack of prevention, and by actually giving it away.

I have a great this age of radical Islamic terrorism, pledges by nuclear-seeking Iran (and threats by nuclear-seeking North Korea) to destroy America, and an unstable nuclear-possessing Pakistan, let's put another Clinton in office.

There's my two cents.

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