Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A Great Big Pile Of SCHIP

One bill with two major problems that requires action NOW.

The SCHIP bill looks like it's coming up for a vote this week (maybe as early as today), so you need to contact your reps ASAP. The first reason is what I've blogged about all along - rather than providing health care for children, SCHIP is a massive entitlement program, the first step toward universal/socialized healthcare, and would provide government-funded (i.e. taxpayer-funded) health care for families (including adults) making over $80,000/year. The funding is not there, and the program will require massive new tax hikes both now and just a few years down the road.

Some new information is coming out today, though - this SCHIP program would also provide health care benefits for illegal aliens. It looks like there's also a loophole that would provide amnesty for illegal aliens in here, too.

I cannot stress to you enough how important it is for you to call your representatives in the House and Senate (as well as the White House) to voice your opposition to this terrible bill. Do it today!

There's my two cents.

The House is debating this bill right now (it sounds like they're going to vote tonight), so call your Reps NOW! The Senate will probably take it up as soon as it comes out of the House (assuming it passes).

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