Friday, September 28, 2007

Free Health Care Is NOT Free!

A recent poll showed that 44% of Americans say that health care services should be free to everyone.

Here's the thing I don't understand - this is not a complex subject, but there is apparently a LOT of misunderstanding here. Where do these 44% think the money is going to come from to pay for their 'free' health care? Do they think the doctors, nurses, and hospitals are just going to start treating EVERYONE for free?
Are clinics going to provide check-ups and tests to EVERYONE for free? Are drug companies going to hand out prescription medications to EVERYONE for free?

No, of course not - they'd all go out of business! The government is going to pay for it, and guess what that means?


The government will fund this 'free' health care with YOUR TAXES.

Idiots like Michael Moore hold up socialized health care (like you find in Canada, England, or Cuba) as some model of superior perfection, but they are completely wrong. Sure, you don't have to pay anything for each specific visit, but you pay higher taxes all year round, you wait much longer to see physicians, and the quality of care is much lower because there is no incentive to pioneer new techniques or technology.

Ask just about anyone who has worked in the health care systems in Canada, England, or Cuba, and you'll find they are far worse than what we've got here, even with all our problems.

Universal (or 'free') health care is pure socialism - the re-distribution of wealth based on an arbitrary determination of what's 'fair'. The key thing to remember is that the problems here are the result of government interference and regulation (see John Stossel's extensive research on the topic: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7). If the government is the cause of the problems we have now, what do you think that turning over complete control of the system to government is going to do to the system?

It will be a disaster.

Not surprisingly, 59% of Democrats support free health care, while only 25% of Republicans support it. The Democrats are, after all, the party of entitlement.

Unless you are truly rich and can afford to pay cash for private health treatments directly from physicians, you need to fight this legislation every step of the way.

There's my two cents.

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