Friday, September 14, 2007

The Slugfest Begins!

It looks like the New York Times caved, and is giving the same discounted ad space to both sides. Rudy Giuliani has already run an ad (at the same price) attacking Clinton's hypocrisy on Petraeus and the war, rebutting's slander piece a few days ago, and Freedom's Watch is planning to request the same ad space and price for another pro-war ad.

Also in the same article - the heavy hitting has started. Giuliani and Clinton take broadsides at each other in the first major political salvos of the campaign between the two parties.

Welcome to election season! If the Republicans can't capitalize on the Democrats' atrocious handling of the do-nothing Congress, amnesty aspirations, and the defeatism on the war, they don't deserve to win. If they flub this, God help us all, because I'm really not sure the country will survive another Clinton farce...I mean presidency.

There's my two cents.

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