Thursday, September 13, 2007

New York Liberals Use Taxpayer Dollars To Fund Islamic Teaching

This is outrageous! Kevin McCullough writes at that liberals are sowing the seeds of the future annihilation of America as we know it.

It wasn't enough that the New York Times told Al Qaeda about our programs to listen in on their communications and freeze their assets, so now liberals in NYC have used tax dollars to open, operate, and secure an Islamic madrassa in Brooklyn.

Officials assured a concerned and angry public that the school was a public school, and that there wouldn't be any religious teaching conducted there. Then, on the first day of the first week, the subject of the very first lesson was: jihad, taught by Imam Al-Hajj Talib Abdur-Rashid, of the Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood in Harlem.

No religion, huh?

But this has come as no surprise, at least not to rational thinking people - Muslims are allowed to lie about their intentions (especially if they're lying on behalf of jihad). For example, Debbie Almontaser, principal of the madrassa, suggested earlier in the year that perhaps the way the school could raise funds to help with additional programs could be to sell t-shirts that announced an "Intifada" in New York. [Intifada, by its very definition, means an uprising or revolt]

McCullough writes the following:
Robert Spencer indicated on my show a week ago that Muslims who claim not to practice jihad fall in one of two categories. 1)They are bad muslims not as fully committed to their faith as they should be, or 2)They are practicing Islam as it is allowed when Islam is the minority in the nation. They are allowed to lie to, and even cooperate with, the culture long enough for Islam to take root and then spring to fundamentalism when the numbers are in their favor.
And here's the key to understanding this situation:
Islamic scholars like Spencer, and Dr. Ergun Canor, have long pointed out that the Islamic experience is, not akin to, nor compatible with the American mainstream. In Arabic society and culture there is no distinction between the mosque, the school, the house of government, the home, or the courts - it is all Islamic. All of the systems are centered around the teachings of the religion. And when the religion is as big of a fraud as Islam is, tight control must be maintained over every aspect of life.

So when liberals speak of tolerance for Islamic instruction, what they mean is, "let's let them convert the mind, bodies, and souls of the next generation." No wonder Osama spoke with such high praise for the Democrats in his video this week.
McCullough calls on anyone reading his column to call 202.224.3121 and demand that Congress rescind all federal education dollars allotted to the NYC schools until the madrassa is closed. It may be starting in NYC, but it won't stop there: "[i]t is the goal of Islamic society, faith, education, and law to convert the world to Sharia rule and it is their commitment to wage jihad until such occurs."

I plan to call. Will you?

There's my two cents.

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