Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Creation Museum Flourishes

This doesn't necessarily fall into the realm of politics, but it's another issue near and dear to me, so I'm going to post a quickie about it anyway.

The Creation Museum recently opened by 'Answers in Genesis' has surpassed its first annual attendance projection in less than six months.

As the debate about creation and evolution periodically surfaces in the public consciousness, people are clearly searching for real answers to tough questions. The Creation Museum is one of the first major facilities that seeks to answer those questions from the Biblical creation viewpoint. It is a world-class facility -- even evolutionist visitors have been quoted as saying that -- that is attracting not only Christians, but non-Christians and media types from all over the world.

My family took a brief trip there this past summer, and I would have to agree it is top-notch. While it's not the greatest for young children (there are some cool animatronics, but the excitement factor for pre-school and younger just wasn't there; I hear they now have more dinosaurs on display, which I'm sure will help), it is outstanding for those old enough to comprehend the conflicting messages they are getting, as well as for adults. Whether you know a lot or a little about the creation/evolution debate, I would highly encourage everyone to take a short trip to check it out. As you take the 'walk through history', you will come to understand how that fundamental foundation colors every other major ethical and moral question you face in life.

At the least, this museum will make you think; at the most, it could change your life.

There's my two cents.

Creation Museum
Answers in Genesis

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great idea and I hope it does well.