Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Pile-on For Osama Bin Laden?

Ray Robison writes a very interesting article at American Thinker about a letter recently written by a London jihadist to Ayman al Zawahiri of al Qaeda in regard to the 2001 anthrax incidents.

The article is too long to post here, and too detailed to summarize effectively, so I'll just give you the bottom line: this jihadist apparently argued against using a WMD attack against the U.S. for fear of retribution. Al Qaeda apparently didn't listen, and they launched the 2001 anthrax attack.

Now, this guy is basically saying 'I told you so' to Zawahiri. Not only is this bit of infighting informative on the activities of Al Qaeda, but it's also a clear sign that Al Qaeda is on the verge of defeat in Iraq (and everyone in the world knows it). Otherwise, why would he be abandoning the Zawahiri bus?

Very interesting stuff.

There's my two cents.

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