Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Wednesday Thoughts

Several things for your reading enjoyment today.

Thought 1:
San Francisco shows its ultra-liberal stripes with identification cards that do not include the gender on them. You can count on San Fran to lay siege to any and all conservative or Christian principles, can't you?

Thought 2:
Ralph Peters writes about what went right in Iraq. The article is great, so go read it. The summary is:
- we didn't quit
- Petraeus took command to WIN, not just keep on keeping on
- the surge rocked
- our fanatical enemies went way overboard, alienating the locals
- Iraqis are just tired of the death and violence.

Thought 3:
John Stossel writes about the philosophies used by the Pilgrims when they arrived here. First, they tried socialism, with everyone working communal land, and everyone was to get an equal share of the production. They almost starved, some people stole, some people faked being sick, etc. Finally, when they gave everyone their own land to work, some began to see some major success. The idea is that if the consequence is separated from the action, then there is no reason to produce. It's the difference between capitalism and socialism, and only one of them works.

Thought 4:
Democrat Congressman William Jefferson, who is possibly the most corrupt politician ever, has just had two more bribery accusations leveled at him. Where is the MSM coverage? You won't see it.

Thought 5:
Indiana Republican Mike Pence is taking steps to prevent federal funding from being used for abortions, and has apparently garnered some real support. In particular, he is aiming for Planned Parenthood.

There's my two cents (times five).

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