Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Spitzer Gives Up

Governor Eliot Spitzer in New York has withdrawn his proposed plan to give driver's licenses to illegal aliens.

It's about time!

The key thing to remember in this is that America is overwhelmingly opposed to amnesty and giving benefits to illegal aliens. The Democrats have shown that they will continue attempting to gain illegal alien voters, and the only thing that can stop them is the American public. And, when the American public learns about these attempts (i.e. the comprehensive immigration reform, the DREAM Act, the Agjobs amnesty, driver's licenses, etc.), they do indeed rise up and stop it. So, the most important thing here is that the information continues to flow to the American people. How does that happen? Not through the MSM, but through the blogosphere and the other forms of the new media.

So, keep coming back, and be informed! We're saving America, one blog at a time.

There's my two cents.

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