Monday, November 12, 2007

Hillary's Campaign Fall-tering

ABC reports on the latest in a string of mishaps for Hillary's bid for the White House:
It's been a rough stretch for Hillary Clinton -- a tough debate performance, a lost voice, and the revelation that the Clinton campaign had been coaching questioners at events.

Then, on Sunday, everything started falling down around her.

After a very Presidential-esque news conference - Clinton turned around to leave the reporters and their peppering questions. A staffer swooped open a curtain, and chaos ensued. Four large American flags came crashing in front of Senator Clinton as she headed for the door. In a controlled panic, the staffers and the Senator attempted to catch the flags before they fell to the ground.
Were the flags knocked over, or did they go over voluntarily? Is it a bad sign when the American flag itself tries to throw itself at Hillary in an attempt to stop her on the campaign trail? ;)

There's my two cents.


Anonymous said...

This was actually a setup by the opposition to make Hillary look bad. We just wrote an analysis on our blog about this.

B J C said...

Thanks for the comment.

I find it hard to believe this is a 'setup' - what did it accomplish? Things this piddly can't possibly hurt a major candidate, and it could actually have helped her if she had been quicker on her feet (no pun intended) and made a successful sound byte out of it. It sure seems like an accident to me, and it's just convenient for our side that it's an accident with a good laugh line built in. :)

Seriously, though, I would encourage everyone to go look at voteforhillaryonline's blog for the dish on the setup theory. Pay special attention to the comments section, where most of the logical thought on the blog is displayed.

Pretty funny stuff!