Sunday, November 11, 2007

Wife-Beating In Islam

In another stellar example of how the 'religion of peace' is something we should all aspire to, a Saudi cleric explains wife-beating to young Muslims on a TV show:

Sheikh Muhammad Al-’Arifi: “If neither [admonishing nor refusing to share your bed] works with her, what is the third option?”

Guest: “Beat them.”

Al-’Arifi: “That’s right. How is this beating performed? What do you think?”

Guest: “Light beatings.”

Al-’Arifi: “Light beatings in what way?”

Guest:” For example, I wouldn’t beat her in the face...”

Al-’Arifi: “…If you beat her with a toothpick, or if you beat her lightly with your hand, and so on, it is meant to convey: ‘Woman, it has gone too far. I can’t bear it anymore.’ If he beats her, the beatings must be light and must not make her face ugly. He must beat her where it will not leave marks...”

I guess this is why they force their women to cover themselves from head to toe. Otherwise, it might look bad for the women to be covered with bruises and cuts.

If only we could all be a part of a peaceful religion like this, just think how different the world would be.

There's my two cents.

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