Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hypocrisy At Its Finest: Car Wars

Michelle Malkin highlights some classic liberal hypocrisy. Bob Cesca, a blogger, chastises conservatives for continuing to drive SUVs and other gas 'guzzling' vehicles:
Even with brutal economic news to serve as an incentive, will Michelle Malkin, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and their ilk sacrifice for the war effort by purchasing less Islamofascist gasoline for their Ford F-150 Microphalluses? No way. Too moonbatty. Devising new and hilariously clever agitprop words like “Defeatocrats” is clearly more patriotic than actually addressing the principle source of global and domestic instability: oil and gasoline.
Cesca posted the above message at the Huffington Post, a left-wing wacko blog. The fun part of this is that Arianna Huffington herself was seen in this vehicle on the way to the Sierra Club's national summit a few years ago:

Malkin also points out that the Frost family (of recent SCHIP fame) drive a Volvo SUV, a GMC Suburban, and a Ford F-250. Where is the outrage against the Frosts?

The hypocrisy of these liberals is never more in evidence than when it comes to the environment. How often do we hear about Al Gore or some other Hollywood celebrities flying all over the world in private jets demanding that you and I sacrifice for the sake of the environment?

Actions speak louder than words, and these actions are the definition of hypocrisy.

There's my two cents.

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