Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Guns In D.C.?

One of the much-anticipated showdowns of the John Roberts Supreme Court has arrived: the gun ban in Washington, D.C. You may or may not know that a previous ruling outlawed owning a gun in Washington, D.C., but an appeals court struck down that ruling as being incompatible with the 2nd Amendment. Now, the Supreme Court has decided to hear the case.

How will the Supreme Court define the reach of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution?

Will they side with the individual's right to own a gun, or will they restrict it to a regulated force (i.e. 'militia') like the Armed Forces?

You can bet this will be a biggie! Keep your eyes on this one, because it could be a big-time signal of just how 'originalist' or 'activist' this Court is.

There's my two cents.

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