Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Real Culture Of Corruption

Mark Levin opens up with both barrels in a scathing piece about the true culture of corruption: big government run by liberals.

Levin recaps the Larry Craig incidents like this:
So, Larry Craig is gone. He solicited sex without actually soliciting sex or having sex. He pled guilty, but not to lewd behavior — to disorderly conduct (a misdemeanor). He is said to have a secret life involving same sex partners, but where are all these partners? According to one report, a guy in college believes Craig hit on him in 1967. Another says he "believes" he performed oral sex on the senator in a restroom at Union Station. He’s not 100-percent sure. If Craig has been living this secret life since 1967, you’d think others would come forward at some point. Maybe they will. So far, they haven’t.
He goes on to say that although Craig may have done all these things, there's no proof (yet). This indicates a greater problem in the Republican party - that some fear the label 'culture of corruption' so much that they're willing to throw Craig under the bus while embracing Democrats who live in similar states of scandal. Some examples of Democrat scandals:

- Bill Clinton: accused of rape (and repeated affairs)
- Barney Frank: accused of allowing his home to be used for male prostitution
- the late Gerry Studds: who had sex repeatedly with a seventeen-year-old page
- William Jefferson: alleged bribes
- Alan Mollohan: alleged self-dealing
- John Murtha: earmarks related to his brother
- Dianne Feinstein: her husband profiting from military contracts
- Hillary Clinton: Norman Hsu, Rosewood Law Firm, Vince Foster, Whitewater, etc.

The real problem is that the culture of corruption is much more the result of big government than any particular political party:
That culture of corruption celebrates clever word games used by unelected judges to exercise power they don’t have as they rewrite the Constitution; it demeans people of faith who speak out against the culture of corruption and for — dare I say — family values; it undermines and seeks to demoralize Americans in uniform as they fight a horrible enemy on the battlefield; it demonizes entrepreneurs and successful enterprises; it uses race, age, religion, gender, and whatever works to balkanize Americans; and so on. This is the real culture of corruption. Let’s call it what it is — modern liberalism.
These ideals and principles are critical to understand when it comes time to vote. It is so important to know where the people running for office stand on these kinds of issues. If you really want to clean up Washington, don't elect liberals from either party.

There's my two cents.

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