Monday, September 10, 2007

Thompson: No Global Warming

In contrast to the red flag of Giuliani, Fred Thompson is starting out right (in my opinion). Global warming is likely to be a key issue for the 2008 election, and although the media hype is incessant, most normal Americans don't see it as a big deal. I've got some blogs planned on this for the next few weeks/months, but suffice it to say that man-made global warming is a hoax. There is no consensus of scientists, the evidence in favor of it is circumstantial at best and outright lies at worst, and there is no real cause for alarm. In fact, global warming is mostly a construct of the media, simply to create sensational headlines and drive revenues. I'll back up that assertion in a future blog.

But, back to the topic at hand. Fred Thompson has given indications that he doesn't buy the global warming hysteria and is willing to stand up against legislation that would harm America in the name of misguided alarmism.

So, where Rudy's stance on illegal immigration is a red flag, Thompson's stance on global warming is a very good sign!

There's my two cents.

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