Friday, October 5, 2007

Nobel Al?

Environmentalist nut Al Gore is likely to win this year's Nobel peace prize. I don't think that's any surprise to anyone who realizes this award is not so much about peace as it is about collective liberal back-slapping. I would actually be surprised if he didn't win it.

So, it is with great amusement that I read a story saying how British schools will warn students about the propaganda on display before they show Gore's film 'An Inconvenient Truth'.

As the article says, it's an act of sanity rarely seen in the United States. Too bad - we could use a little more truth here, whether or not it's inconvenient.

There's my two cents.

1 comment:

Marie's Two Cents said...

Boy they just hand out the Nobel Peace Prize to anybody dont they?

I mean if Jimmy Carter got one geez....