Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Quick Hits

I know I usually do this on Fridays, but I had a bunch of good stories ready, so here we go!

Two Year Old Jihadi
This is disturbing. These are the people defended by the ACLU, the MSM, and the Democrats in Congress.

When Truth Is Inconvenient
A CNN Meteorologist debunks some major points in Al Gore's propaganda movie, An Inconvenient Truth, such as the fact that global warming caused Hurricane Katrina and that global warming causes tornadoes. Though he agrees with the overall premise of global warming, he was still glad to see Britian's warning about the film. The fact is that Gore's film is a politically-motivated work of fiction. Even his supporters realize that.

How Far Gone Is Britain?
Here is a news story from the BBC promoting the virtues of Sharia law.

Talk about willful ignorance of reality! May I remind you of some examples of Sharia law in real life:
- sanctioned wife-beating
- beatings or stoning (to death) for adultery
- cutting off fingers for smoking
- honor killings (of family members, especially young girls/women)
- women are not educated, and must have guardians and forced marriages
- outright control of female sexuality

Hybrid Humans?
Britain appears to be losing all ethical constraints in other areas, too, as they are now considering human/animal hybrid research. An interesting read on genetic research and the ethical concerns involved can be found in Michael Crichton's Next.

The Burglar is back
Sandy Berger, former National Security advisor to Bill Clinton -- the man convicted for stealing/destroying documents from the National Archives and lying to investigators about it -- is now part of Hillary Clinton's inner campaign circle. He's baaaaaack...

Have a great day!

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