Thursday, August 28, 2008

DNC Day Three

Barack the Obamessiah has offically wrapped up the presidential nomination for the Democrat party.

My first impression from watching last night's hoopla was that the ABC coverage (I'm trying a different channel each night) was pukingly adoring.  Even the normally reasonable Diane Sawyer couldn't gush enough about him.

Joe Biden appeared to be pretty comfortable, and came across as pretty genuine and warm.  His speech was pretty good...up until the point when he started chanting the typical party lines about an unjust war, evil Bush, McCain sucks, etc.  Then it got pretty tiresome, because it's awfully hard to speak ill of someone (not to mention bald-faced lies about policies) for any length of time without getting annoying.  Biden got real annoying.

Also speaking that evening was Bill Clinton.  It is clear he is a very gifted speaker, far better than either Hillary or Biden.  Though ABC didn't show his entire speech, they showed quite a few clips, and it couldn't be plainer that he is much more interesting to listen to, and of the perceived slights he has thrown Obama's way over the past couple years, he addressed all of them pretty effectively.  Regardless of what you think of him or his policies, the guy can give a speech.

I have to say, though, that Bill Clinton had to have given the best performance of his life - it must have hurt to openly say the Obamessiah was the man for the job, and that he would do everything he could to help elect him.  He's a liberal, so he'll parse his words later when he needs to take them back, but must have been a challenge for him.  A couple general thoughts: I thought it was interesting that he said, "God bless you!" at the end of his speech instead of the traditional Presidential sign-off of "God bless the United States of America!"  Hmmm...a sign of his priorities...?  Democrats over country?  It was also interesting how Clinton thinks he created a booming economy despite the fact that there was a negative growth rate when he left office.  It's too bad the MSM doesn't worry about such trifling details as FACTS, or some truth might have been presented in the aftermath.

One note on Joe Biden: in the official campaign video interviewing him, Biden griped about standing up against abuses of power, whether it's a parent slapping a kid or a President taking the country into an 'unnecessary war' (a dig at Bush).  He seems to have conveniently forgotten his own words:
"Well, the point is, it turned out they didn't, but everyone in the world thought he had them. The weapons inspectors said he had them. He catalogued - they catalogued them. This was not some, some Cheney, you know, pipe dream. This was, in fact, catalogued."
He also said that we're less secure now than we've been in the last seven years.  Um...when was the last successful terrorist attack on U.S. soil...?  Seems to me that since Bush took the war to the terrorists, we've been pretty damned secure...

This should be a fun election to watch - all McCain needs is to give Biden a microphone and a few minutes of airtime, and he'll churn out the gaffes like crazy!  :)

Also, the McCain campaign responded immediately to Biden's suggestion that McCain was a good soldier, but that was not enough:

Joe Biden is right: We need more than a good soldier, we need a leader with the experience and judgment to serve as commander in chief from day one. That leader is John McCain.  We need a leader who understands that you don't vote against funding for troops in harms way.  We need a leader who supports victory in Iraq, and doesn't try to legislate failure.  We need a leader who understands that when a democracy is invaded, the response is to stand by their side, not call on them to show restraint.  On all these issues during this campaign Americans have seen with their own eyes what Joe Biden has repeatedly made clear – Barack Obama does not have the judgment or experience to be President of the United States.

A general impression I have to note...why is it that Democrats always talk about how life sucks in America?  To listen to them, we actually are in the middle of another Great Depression.  They all say it - both Clintons, Biden, Michelle, and the Obamessiah himself all go on and on about how horrible this country has become.  I guess that's why they chant about changing things, but I kind of like living in the freest, most powerful, wealthiest, and best country ever seen on the face of this planet.

Mark Steyn once said:

"Speaking personally, I don't want to remake America. I'm an immigrant, and one reason I came here is because most of the rest of the Western world remade itself along the lines Sen. Obama has in mind. This is pretty much the end of the line for me. If he remakes America, there's nowhere for me to go—although presumably once he's lowered sea levels around the planet there should be a few new atolls popping up here and there."

I agree with Steyn.  How about you?

One oddity about this whole convention is that it seems to be all about the Clintons.  Even the MSM has picked up on that.  Just another reason the Obama campaign isn't ready for prime time - he can't even push his vanquished foe into the background!

The highlight, of course, was the surprise appearance by the Obamessiah himself.  The crowd went nuts, and it was a nice moment.  The only problem was that his invitation to the 'entire convention' to join him at Invesco Field Thursday night for the finale came with
hooks...remember the mandatory volunteerism for those tickets?

I will be very interested to see how the Republicans characterize America next week.  Will they parrot the Dems and offer up all the ills of America, or will they paint the picture of America as being full of good and having its best days in front of it?  We'll find out.  It seems to me that this is one of the key differences in how the two parties view our own country.

Tonight is the big speech by the Obamessiah himself to officially accept the nomination.  He'll speak in front of a temple-like setting built at
Invesco's midfield.  It's a risk, as I've mentioned before, and the Obamessiah may end up shoving his foot down his throat.

There's my two cents.

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