Monday, August 25, 2008

The Obamessiah's Accomplishments (Or Lack Of...)

I watched a segment of Fox's Hannity & Colmes last night, and it amused me greatly.  I haven't found a transcript yet, but I'll paraphrase as best I can (I'll post the link later, if I can find it).

The two hosts at one point had Kirsten Powers (a Democrat analyst) and Michael Steele (a Republican analyst) on as guests.  Powers said that Barack Obama was ready to be President, and Sean Hannity challenged her on it.  First he asked her to name three of Obama's accomplishments that indicated he was prepared for the Oval Office.  She said he had good judgment.  Hannity followed up by asking if long-time relationships with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, convicted felon real estate fixer Tony Rezko, and racist hate-monger Jeremiah Wright showed good judgment.  Powers admitted (to her credit, she does seem to be honest, which is more than many Democrat analysts appear to be) that those relationships did not show good judgment.  Hannity then asked for two more examples of accomplishments that showed his readiness, and Powers couldn't come up with any others.

At that point, Michael Steele jumped in and suggested that judgment has to come from somewhere inside a person, and that it almost always came from that person's experience.  Thus, since Obama had very little experience, his judgment was also suspect, as indicated by his many questionable choices.

I've seen Hannity ask this same question of Obama supporters for months, and I have yet to see one person come up with a single real accomplishment -- let alone three -- on which Obama can hang his hat.  In this case, the person who failed the task was a professional, paid Democrat analyst who supports Obama!

I know there are some Obama fans who are reading this blog, and I realize most of them probably hate me and what I post about Obama on a regular basis.  Heck, if I was an Obot, I'd probably hate my blog, too.  But, the facts are the facts, and I have yet to see a single real, legitimate accomplishment that would indicate that Obama is ready to handle the most powerful job in the world.  So, I'd like to take this moment to borrow Hannity's challenge:

Name three of Barack Obama's accomplishments that prove he is ready to be President.

The invitation is official now.  Please leave a comment to this post with those accomplishments, and I will post all reasonable responses (as long as they're clean) in a summary post in a few days.  Now's your chance to justify and defend your guy.

There's my two cents.


Anonymous said...

I suspect that all previous presidents had more leadership experience than Obama. In any case, I would love to see something listing the experience of each previous president prior to election and then Obama and McCain's experience.

B J C said...

Anonymous - I suspect you're correct. What you're asking for is a very big project (to do it right), but I'll see what I can come up with. No promises, but I'll do my best! :)

Anonymous said...

If we look at the experience of past presidents, it would be easier to look at the individuals that had the least experience, since the vast majority had some background in politics and / or military experience.

It has been some time since I studied 19th century politics so I may be missing some things interest in 20th American History is far better than the here it goes.

The first one that comes to mind is a fellow Republican Chester Arthur. He did have some political posts such as Quartermaster General of New York, and Collector of Customs before he became the VP, but that is about it. He is not viewed as a popular figure, and was a one termer. As a side note, he was a bit of a dandy which would be considered a metrosexual in todays terms.

The next would be Woodrow Wilson...I know what your going to say...but he was a two term Governor. You are right, but he is the one that reminds me of Obama in a few ways. One, Wilson was a law professor and an elistist liberal. He only held one public office before he became president. He was viewed by his contemporaries as an agent of change. He was the guy who created the graduated income tax. By the way, Taft would have won if not for TR's Bullmoose party run. In defense of Wilson on this subject, at least he had executive experience.

The only other president that would come close to little or no experience would be Truman. Yes I know he was a US Senator for 7 years (or was it 6).He was a failed business man and rose in the judgeship and political ranks by Pendergrasses political machine. He is one of the few Dems that I liked, not for his social stances, but just his "kick ass" attitude when it came to defense. By the way, when I said earlier that he is the only other president that comes close....that "closeness" is still 100's of miles apart from Obama.

There have been a few Presidents in the 19th century that had no political experience and were strictly military, but at least they had that going for them....I think Zack Taylor was one of them. Even some of the worst Presidents had some executive Buchanan. So if having a some experience does not get you a half way decent president....what about one with NO experience?!

From your friend

B J C said...

Governor/Elephant: thanks for your contribution! You have a better immediate grasp of presidential history than I do! I may have to tap your expertise before the election rolls around! :)

Unknown said...

Always glad to help. I would have added a bid more info, but once you get me going on this type of stuff I tend to keep going. Besides I thought just a few bullet points would help.