Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Saddleback Follow-up

As a follow-up to yesterday's post on the Saddleback Showdown, I wanted to post some video clips so you could see these statements for yourself. The first question is when the candidate believes human rights begin:

Watch the whole video - it's less than five minutes, and it fills in a lot of details surrounding the candidates' positions. You'll notice how Obama struggled mightily to find an answer that he felt rested suitably on the fence. Unfortunately for the Obamessiah -- a consummate liberal, with a preference for vagueness and maneuvering room --most Christians don't really view this as an issue that even has a fence! It's pretty black and white - life either begins at conception, or it doesn't. And, once again, even if his sidestep was valid, who would look at an issue as serious as when life begins and, if he believed there was really no way to know, would come down on the side of ending the potential life?

As if his waffling wasn't enough, Obama also threw in some factual inaccuracies - the rate of abortions has gone down during Bush's presidency. Another telling fact was Warren's follow up question of whether or not Obama has ever voted to limit abortions. Once again, Obama struggles to make up an answer that sounds good when the real answer is: no. The Obamessiah has been completely, 100%, all-the-time consistent on only one issue (there used to be two, but he's now started to waffle on taxes) in his career as a public official, and that one issue is abortion.

I also wanted to share the discussion about how the candidates define 'rich', because it reveals a lot about how they view the middle class.

Just out of curiosity, if Obama is so opposed to fighting a war without the means to pay for it (which isn't accurate, by the way), why was he not opposed to funding several massive financial bailouts without having the means to pay for them? Those went straight to the national debt. At least the war is improving our national security and stature in the world...!

The key word to me in this clip is 'fairness'...liberals are always whining about fairness. While it's a noble-sounding idea, they never seem to follow through with actually being fair - after all, Obama's idea of 'fair' taxation is to tax the most productive people in the country, those who provide the most jobs and funnel the most back into the economy. What's 'fair' about penalizing those who've contributed the most?

Now, I'm not going to give McCain a total pass on this one, either. He mentions that he doesn't want to take any money from the rich or redistribute wealth, but what about his plan to 'look into' the huge profits of the oil companies? What he's talked about there is essentially the same thing as the Democrats' proposal for a windfall profits tax, and that's nothing other than redistributing wealth based on the same fallacious idea of 'fairness'.

Other than that, though, McCain was dead on with his answer. The key is to keep taxes low and encourage people to just do their thing with less government intervention. Ultimately, that will improve the economy more than anything else. And, he's also correct when he says that spending over the past few years has been the biggest problem. There is no doubt about that!

So, now you've seen the answers in the candidates' own words. What do you think? Did you learn anything new?

The abortion question, in particular, is coming up more and more frequently for Obama, and he's not handling it well at all. Of course, with a track record of voting against a bill that banned infanticide, anyone would have an awfully hard time handling it! More on that later...

Still, it makes me wonder if Hillary is going to make her move at the convention, suggesting that Obama has become too toxic and has failed to pull away from McCain. If nothing else, she may be bending ears behind the scenes, especially to superdelegates, who understand the Bradley Effect and the complete naivete and incompetence of the Obamessiah. If Hillary can get enough people to withhold their vote on the first round, the rules of the convention change, and the field suddenly becomes wide open. Could she slip in while Obama isn't paying attention?

We can only hope for such a delicious turn of events!

There's my two cents.

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