Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Message To America's Daughters

Michelle Malkin writes a terrific column about Nancy Pelosi's recent (dud of a) book, 'Know Your Power', which is supposed to be a message to 'America's daughters'.  Read the whole thing:

The Democrat Speaker of the House–and a co-author hired to try and add flavor to bland Beltway establishment oatmeal–have penned a self-help book for "America's daughters" to help them "Know Your Power." It's a dreadfully pedestrian text ("As long as we recognize the power within us, we will continue to have choices, and we will continue to lead"), surpassed only in its dreadfulness by the rather unfortunate timing of its publication.

With congressional approval ratings at an all-time low and the Democrat Congress under fire for taking a five-week vacation instead of working on energy policy, perhaps this wasn't the best time to send Nancy Pelosi jetting from coast-to-coast to tell our daughters how to save the planet, manage our households, and run our government.

Sorry, Nan. There aren't enough carbon offsets to compensate for this tree-wasting dud and its accompanying gas-guzzling, hot air-emitting publicity tour.

Intended to inspire young women to public service, Pelosi's preachy tome ("Courage springs from the heart") stands in stark contrast to her refusal to stay and work this summer in Washington on a host of energy bills and drilling proposals. "Know Your Power" merely underscores the true message of Pelosi's actions (or rather, inaction): "Do as I say, not as I do."

While Madame Speaker advises America's daughters to "never draw a line in the sand," she refuses to return to Washington and allow up-or-down votes on Republican energy proposals.

While Madame Speaker advises America's daughters "to defend your position with facts," she has demonstrated blinking ignorance about the price of gas in her own district and the laws of supply and demand.

While Madame Speaker advises America's daughters to "treat one another in a civil way," she has resorted to business-as-usual demagoguery against her ideological opponents. Over the weekend, Pelosi jeered at the conservative revolt on the House floor last week to object to the Democrats' five-week recess as "a war dance of the handmaidens of the oil companies."

While Madame Speaker advises America's daughters that "you have to know what you're talking about, you can't grandstand," she gave a pitiful performance on ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" when pressed repeatedly to explain her stubborn stonewalling of up-or-down votes on energy bills.

In classic grandstanding style, Pelosi mischaracterized GOP proposals as drilling-only, blustered about drilling not having an immediate effect on lowering gas prices, criticized Republicans for not divining the right parliamentary moves to get their legislative plans through, and then sniffed imperiously that "they'll have to use their imagination as to how they can get a vote."

Spoken like a true leader filled with "courage," fueled by "passion" for public service, and driven by her caring for struggling families feeling the impact of high energy costs and limited access to American oil.

Assailing Republican bills as "diversionary," Pelosi spent 10 painful minutes attempting to divert a simple question:

PELOSI: "…This is a diversionary tactic from failed energy policies."

STEPHANOPOULOS: But if you feel you have the better arguments, why not give a straight up or down vote for drilling?

PELOSI: Because the misrepresentation is being made that this is going to reduce the price at the pump. This is again a decoy, it's not a solution.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Well, if you're right, why not let it be debated out and have the vote?

PELOSI: We have a debate every single day on this subject.

Except on the House floor, where Pelosi forebade debate on GOP amendments and where the lights and cameras have been darkened to prevent debate.

Rather than exercise her power responsibly by calling lawmakers back to the Capitol to address Americans' concerns about gas prices and energy independence, Pelosi has dismissed oil and gas drilling as a "hoax"—even as she reportedly encourages vulnerable Democrats to embrace drilling to bolster their electoral prospects. In 2006, she blamed a Republican congress for high gas prices. In power for 19 months, Madame Speaker now blames the Republican minority for gas prices that have nearly doubled.

Nancy Pelosi's real lesson for America's daughters: Women in power are just as capable of mastering Washington double talk, blame avoidance, and partisan hackery as men.

Imagine that.

This is a great rebuttal of not only the book -- which is apparently very, very bad -- but also of Pelosi's actions and hypocrisy.  Malkin compares Pelosi's preaching against her own actions, and we can plainly see that the results are anything but consistent.  This is what the Democrat leadership has become - a bunch of hypocritical, nonsensical, unethical twits that have done nothing good for America!  I feel I should remind you that this woman is third in line for the Presidency.  If that's not a scary thought, I don't know what is!

Pelosi epitomizes everything that's gone wrong with the Democrat party.  She is completely out of touch with the American people (though it appears she's very much in touch with her own little wacko constituency) and spouts noble-sounding gibberish that apparently not even she believes - if she did, she would act consistently with her words.  Nancy Pelosi is a walking disaster of policy and role model, and has nothing positive to offer America other than her example of how NOT to act and speak.

As a side note, take a look at some of the books that have a much better rating than Pelosi's:

Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, "Know Your Power:" 782.

Tori Spelling, sTORI Telling: 13.

David Freddoso, The Case Against Barack Obama: 14.

Adobe Photoshop Cs3 Classroom in a Book: 241.

The Anatomy Coloring Book: 299.

Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done: 446.

When All Hell Breaks Loose: Stuff You Need to Survive When Disaster Strikes: 679.

Apparently, she's even getting some help from Amazon, which has deleted dozens (if not hundreds) of negative reviews of her book.  The saving grace in this is that, as Malkin points out, very few of America's daughters will ever crack the book open.  Still, it's important to understand what Pelosi stands for, and why she is a worthless Speaker of the House.

There's my two cents.


Unknown said...

On a funnier note, the comedy website had a great feature on Nancy Pelosi’s new book:

B J C said...

Taylor - that is funny! Thanks for sharing the link! :)